KJS Krueger, Juelich & Schmisek, PLLC

Experienced Minnesota Spousal Maintenance Attorneys

Spousal maintenance (also known as alimony or spousal support) is a contentious issue in many divorces. In the wake of a divorce, there is often a significant income disparity between spouses. Spousal maintenance is a means of leveling that divide so that both spouses can maintain a comfortable quality of life.

If you are seeking spousal maintenance/alimony in Minnesota, or you are opposing an award of spousal maintenance, the attorneys at Krueger, Juelich & Schmisek, PLLC are here to protect your rights and interests. We have significant experience handling family law matters for clients in Minnetonka and throughout the Twin Cities. You can talk to a skilled staff member by calling 866-217-7467 and scheduling an initial consultation.

How Is Spousal Maintenance Decided?

In Minnesota, no one is legally entitled to spousal maintenance. Whether or not it is awarded is left to the parties or the discretion of the court. Factors a court considers when deciding on spousal maintenance cases include, but are not limited to:

  • The duration of the marriage
  • The age and health of the parties
  • The incomes of each party
  • The standard of living during the marriage
  • The ability to be self-supporting
  • The ability to pay spousal maintenance

Spousal maintenance may be awarded on a temporary or permanent basis.

Karon Waivers

Typically spousal maintenance can be modified if circumstances warrant a change. However, in Minnesota, spouses can stipulate that there will be no future modifications by submitting a Karon waiver to the court. Our lawyers have handled numerous Karon waivers and can craft legal documents that protect your rights and interests.

Contact Us About Alimony Agreements In Minnesota

If you are seeking legal guidance regarding alimony payments in Minnesota, we are here for you. Contact us today online or by telephone at 866-217-7467 to arrange your initial consultation with an experienced family law attorney.